Since I was just blogging about an infatuation I have with those shoes, it made me think of other things I long for. Costco cupcakes are one of those things. I did a search to find an image and found there are others out there that share the same fondness for the cupcakes but there is one exception, I special order mine with CREAM CHEESE FROSTING.
Some may think, that this doesn't make a difference but I really do have to disagree. It doesn't matter if it is chocolate or vanilla cake (I do favor the vanilla slightly more) they are both delicious with CREAM CHEESE FROSTING. And I also beg them to not put the sprinkles on. Yucko! Capital letters on the order sheet, "NO CONFETTI PLEASE! NO CONFETTI!" They are on coupon for the next couple weeks and I am honestly wondering if I should get 2 boxes. That is 40 cupcakes people. And not only is 40 a lot, they are super sized.
How can one consume so many cupcakes, you wonder, before they go bad? Well, I have to admit, I have it down to a science. I freeze them in containers that hold 3 and pull them out when I need them. This is usually about 7:30 or 8:00 at night after the dinner has worn off and the kids are screaming and needing baths. I sit and eat half to a full cupcake with a glass of milk and that takes care of my craving. Until the next night . . . and so on. I honestly think I might be addicted to them.
And yes, I do share with my family, even though I don't think they share the same love. But I would share a lot more if I had a good stockpile.