If you have ever wondered what would happen if you left Hawaiian Punch within the reach of an 18 month old, now you know.
Brynlie has turned into such a busy body and I can't control her anymore. We go through numerous outfits a day and now we just bathe on a "as needed" basis because it is usually 1-2 a day. She can get out of her chair and the table, she can squirm out of the stroller straps, and she stands up in the carts at the store. It wouldn't be so bad if she would let you hold her hand or hold her, but she wants nothing like that. If the outside door is left a tiny bit open she is out the door and in the street. If you leave her outside in the back for a second she has sand, grass, anything gross she can find on her hands and in her mouth.
I think we will consider ourselves lucky if we make it to two. Right now I am just trying to keep her alive one day at a time.